Supporting all ages and seasons of life has always been our passion; yet we have also acknowledged the profound and unique needs of those over age 50 as a primary focus for our blog. Aging has no doubt changed over the years; older adults are working longer, dreaming bigger, defying traditional stereotypes and making an impact in ways we never expected. As such our Senior Spotlight has carried on the tradition of ‘Living Longer, Living Better,’ a theme we have actualized since our television and print media days!
In the last 12 months we have continued to explore what older adults want and need as well as what issues may impact this generation in the years to come. It’s hard to choose the 5 most important and most popular blogs in the last year – but here is our best attempt.
#1: Is The Silver Tsunami Finally On It’s Way?
This blog published this fall explored the prediction made by the “Oracle of Wall Street” (who predicted the 2008 financial crisis) that tens of millions of homes will hit the market starting this year as a result of the silver tsunami. We don’t have a crystal ball, but we do have her thoughts in this read.
#2: Three ‘Buckets’ of Downsizing
Moving is one of the most stressful events in life; moving with a near lifetime accumulation of belongings only magnifies that process. While we have covered downsizing & right-sizing a LOT over the years, this blog offers the perspective of 3 buckets to sort those thoughts and actions into. A worthwhile read for a manageable approach!
#3: The US Surgeon General’s Advisory On Loneliness & Isolation
After the latest Surgeon General’s report on the epidemic of loneliness and isolation, we knew that we could not talk about living longer & living better without addressing this report. The US Department of Health & Human Services reports that “The physical health consequences of poor or insufficient connection include a 29% increased risk of heart disease, a 32% increased risk of stroke, and a 50% increased risk of developing dementia for older adults. Additionally, lacking social connection increases risk of premature death by more than 60%.”
#4: Ping-Pong + Parkinson = Hope
In all honesty when we shared the progress that ping-pong can make for Parkinson’s patients, we never anticipated how many people would be inspired! Thank you all to who commented on the blog and spread the word. Hope and connection often arrives from places and activities you never expected!
#5: A 2023 Global Retirement Update
The trend of offshore retirement is one we have followed for years, and even explored hands on a few years back! As such, we wanted to share that with nearly half a million Americans drawing Social Security abroad, here is where they are going & why. Get ready to get inspired!
We have covered SO much over the last year… 50 weeks of home and lifestyle content curated just for you. Please feel free to let us know what Senior Spotlight topics kept you coming back for more, or what you would love to see in the future!
Warmest regards,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
650.346.5352 cell
650.577.3127 efax
NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
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