When we think of aging, many of the connotations are sadly not positive. We think of declining health, decisions about downsizing, fears of losing one’s purpose and costs of living. But while those challenges can be real and founded, there are also benefits to aging, to having freedom and to experiencing a different season of life!
This week we wanted to share three articles from Next Avenue that affirm some real and inspiring aspects of living your best life over time. These reads might just get you thinking about what if the best is yet to come…
Retirement Can Involve More Transitions Than We Expect
“To a growing number of older adults, their later years are the opening of new chapters rather than the closing of a book.” This read revisits how the Next Avenue website was launched in 2012 amidst a grassroots movement of seeing retirement as reimagining possibilities and opportunities. That trend is strengthening as the article reveals that 2/3 of older adults now view retirement as a time to pursue new ambitions and navigate their next step. While this period of transition is not always easy, it can be extremely rewarding if you intentionally embark on the process to discovery. Read about making your value statement and producing 5 power adjectives here.
How Aging Might Encourage Altruism
You have heard us talk about kindness and generosity on our blog in the past, so we were excited to see a read about this ion the present. As a disruption to the subjective view of older adults as cranky and set in their ways, this article shares research that found older adults display more prosocial behavior and act more in alignment with leaving a legacy to be proud of. Learn more about what windows of aging demonstrate the most altruism and possibilities why here.
Turning Retirement on Its Head
Similar to the first read we shared on retirement transitions serving as a pathway to a new purpose, this read is specific to the establishment of second careers. Unretirement is being increasingly driven by personal fulfillment, and not just financial need. If your first career felt like work, it just might be time to try a job that feels like you are not working another day in your life! Stories of architects to chocolatiers, surgeon to photographer and business manager to wellness consultant just might get you thinking. Get inspired here.
We hope that as the years in your life pass, there is a sense of those years bringing you more and not less. More meaning. More intention. More discovery. More joy. More of who you are and what you want your next act to be!
Cheers to living longer & better,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
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NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
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