Happy Thanksgiving Week! From our home to yours, we sincerely hope you have time to slow down, take a deep breath and reflect on all (and who) that you have. In a time where it is so easy to focus on what we cannot do, it is more important than ever to acknowledge what can never be taken away: what we are thankful for, how we show that gratitude and what really matters in the life that we live every day!
On a similar note, Realtor.com recently reported that there has been a distinct change in 2020 with regards to how people shop for homes. When we talk about ‘location, location, location’, that concept is no longer confined to how close you are to commute corridors or what the local schools are like – but has been redefined by the sense of community that surrounds the home. The article reveals that “a recent survey from online home-improvement marketplace Improvenet of 2,500 Americans showed 69% of them have gotten to know their neighbors better during the pandemic” and that 57% “say neighbors have helped to fill the void of visiting with friends and family during the pandemic.” Realogics Sotheby’s International Realty Broker Helen Pederslie stated that “A lot of people can’t stand where they’re living now. They want to feel part of a community.”
With October home sales up nearly 27% year-over-year and the Pew Research Center reporting that 1 in 5 US adults either changed their residence during the pandemic or know someone who did, it is worthwhile to watch how the concepts of home and connectedness have solidified over the past 9 months.
To read examples of moves that have been motivated by community connectedness and ideas for how to assess the way a neighborhood feels, read “Home Buyers During Covid Say It Takes a Village To Find a House” HERE.
I can honestly say that I a SO grateful for my neighbors, for my sense of community and for the gifts that I wake up to every day (including the furry, four-legged one!). My hope is that you can say the same. 😉 
All my best,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
650.346.5352 cell
650.577.3127 efax
NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
Bobbi Decker & Associates fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. For more information, please visit: http://portal.hud.gov/