Welcome back to the Bobbi Decker Real Estate Blog! If you know us, then you know that we think pets are one of the top elements of life that make a house a home, at least for us! It has been a crazy year… and the dynamics of 2020 have no brought some highs and lows to the lives of our pets too. Honey B has LOVED having us home more, but she has not been such a fan of the smoke and poor air quality (little doggy lungs are quite sensitive!).
Below, Honey B and I have created a little video to summarize what our ‘Paws On The Pulse Of Real Estate’ feature is all about, and then we have included some tips and reads from an organization that is near and dear to our hearts, the Peninsula Humane Society & SPCA.
WHAT YOU PROBABLY DON’T KNOW ABOUT CATS & DOGS: Peninsula SPCA Staff Columnist Ken White writes some great articles with helpful tips for our own pets, as well as things we may not know about domestic animals and wildlife in our region and around the world. His recent feature ‘I Didn’t Know That’ reveals some fascinating facts about dog and cats; did you know that cats do not have collarbones or that Russian dogs have been known to navigate the Moscow subway system? Check it out HERE.
MISS BEHAVIN’ ON LEASH MANNERS: Critter Corner Columnist Tasha Suda offers some great advice for dog owners who feel like their dog is walking them, instead of them walking their dog! And if the tips she suggests HERE do not work, you can contact the SPCA free Behavior Helpline at 650-340-7022, ext. 183.
FIRE & EVACUATION ASSISTANCE: Did you know that San Mateo County offered assistance to pet owners impacted by the fires and evacuations last month? The Coyote Point Shelter at 12 Airport Blvd. in San Mateo accepted animals directly and continues to support those whom have been impacted. They are making a difference every day, as demonstrated by Forest & Meadow – two pet ducks who survived in 11 days in the active fire and evacuation zones in the CZU Lighting Complex Fires. And they are now ready for a NEW home… read more HERE.
Last but not least… our very own Honey B would like to remind you that this is a fast moving market… but you should never skimp on inspections or work with anyone who does! As you can see, inspections can be exhausting, but they are SO worth it to ensure that the buyers knows what they are really getting, and to ensure that ethics and integrity are the root of every transaction. After all, a house for you and your furry friends will always be a happier home when there are less surprises and high amounts of trust. 😉
All my best,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
650.346.5352 cell
650.577.3127 efax
NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
Bobbi Decker & Associates fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. For more information, please visit: http://portal.hud.gov/