Years ago, technology use was often considered a facet of life for the ‘younger’ generations. Now, technology is a daily part of life for virtually all of us at every age. AARP reports that more than 50% of seniors have purchased a tech product in the last year, more than half of seniors own a tablet, 86% of seniors aged 50-59 own a smartphone, as well as 81% of those aged 60-69 and 62% of those aged 70 and up! In short, technology is not just a young person’s thing – it’s an everybody thing.
Yet technology has many downfalls in addition to its countless advantages. A primary concern for seniors who are more frequently targeted by scammers is safety. Next month, October, is cybersecurity month, and we will be diving more into the protective side of technology then (stay tuned!).
For this week, we wanted to share some recent reads about how seniors are embracing AI, harnessing adaptive technology to stay in their homes and more. Check out what we discovered in the world surrounding older adults and innovation below.
Innovative New Technology Helps Seniors Age in Place | UC Davis
Less than one month ago, UC Davis published an article about a new task management tool called I-Care, which connects older adults experiencing cognitive impairment to their family members who live apart from them for support in completing these important daily activities. There are 6 main functions that address not only everyday activities, but also social isolation and caregiver stress.
How Older Adults Are Preparing For The ‘Greatest Technological Revolution’ | Fast Company
This article, published in early August, reveals how countless class have emerged around the country to teach seniors about the tremendous leaps (and associated risks) of the artificial intelligence surge. Fast Company states that “Classes like these aim to familiarize aging early adopters with the myriad ways the technology could better their lives but also encourage skepticism about how artificial intelligence can distort the truth.”
U.S. News & World Report Aging in Place With Assistive Tech Survey | US News & World Reports
In late spring, US News & World Report published the results of a survey conducted in March of 2023, regarding the use of how 2,000 adults aged 55 and over are utilizing assistive technologies in their homes. The primary goal of such technologies is aging in place, with the two most common options being medical and/or health-related mobile apps and wearable medical/health trackers. Other examples include medical alert systems, service-related apps (such as grocery shopping) and family connectedness (texting relatives or using social media to stay in touch).
Be sure to check back in October as we turn our focus to seniors and safety in supporting awareness of Cybersecurity Month in October. Ignorance is certainly not bliss when it comes to online scams, identity theft and false information. Knowledge is power – and we have it coming to you, always!
All my best,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
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NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
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