Our weekly Senior Spotlight is all about finding more ways to enjoy life and lead a healthy one at that! We always like to recognize that opening your mind, expanding your knowledge base and just keeping that cognitive freeway flowing is important – and this week we are pleased to present some books & podcasts for all interest levels from AARP!
Whether you are an older adult who is still working and looking for a leisure read, a family caregiver who needs some new material for a loved one or just anyone who wants to dive into something new – here are our top picks from AARP for you!
All About Action: Check out these true stories about daring adventures – including conquering Mt. Everest, braving injustice, riding horseback across the country and more. (5 Action-Packed New Nonfiction Books for Summer)
Bring On The Brain Health: Memory matters and this list includes books that tackle the tough subject of memory loss from 3 very different but all important perspectives. (3 New Books About Memory — and Keeping It Sharp)
The Next Act: Explore some reads from actors turned authors, including books from David Duchovney, Molly Ringwald, Steve Martin & more. (Ethan Hawke Joins Actors Who Have Written Novels)
For Bird Lovers Only: If you are among the 45+ million birdwatchers around the world, these educational and entertaining podcast options are for you. (4 Top Podcasts for Bird Lovers)
Sleep Success: According to the Sleep Foundation, those aged 60 and over are more susceptible to insomnia. Soothing sounds, calming distractions and soft stories just might help – so why not give this list a listen?! (6 Relaxing Podcasts to Help You Fall Asleep)
If you are looking for a list of classic oldies-but-goodies that bring you back to the beach, these summer movies are worthy of a watch from your home or hotel (many are streaming!).
(The 12 Best Beach Movies of All Time)
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