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Senior Spotlight: National Blood Donation Month

5 myth-busters about giving one of the best & healthiest gifts!

Did you know that January is National Blood Donor Month? The winter months are typically a time of reduced blood donations because of holidays, cold and flu season and severe weather. The Red Cross reiterates this now as severe winter weather and wildfires have forced thousands of blood donations to go uncollected. There is currently a critical need for platelets as well as an emergency shortage of types O negative and B negative blood. All types of blood are continually needed now and year-round to meet demand.

Every 2 seconds – someone in the US needs blood.  This includes but is not limited to: those battling cancer, organ transplant patients, heart surgery patients and victims of all types of accidents including burn victims. Patients of trauma, those with chronic diseases, individuals with blood disorders (like sickle cell anemia) and people fighting cancer all rely on blood donations to improve their quality of life and often save it.

If you have ever considered donating blood, be sure to check if you meet the minimum requirements, and if you have any concerns at all, please talk to your medical professionals.

While the blood shortage is very real, the actual number of people who can help is very high. Only about 3% of the eligible US population donates blood. Let’s get to the top 5 myth-busters about giving one of life’s greatest gifts!

#1: “I’m too old to donate blood.” Growing evidence supports that there is no upper age limit on giving blood! (A former policy of the American Association of Blood Banks used to require doctor consent for those over age 65; that policy was rescinded in 1978 after countless studies showed no increased risks for older adults.)

#2: “Older adults are more likely to have side effects when giving blood.” This one could not be more FALSE! AARP and other sources have reported that donors over age 50 are less likely to have an adverse reaction than younger donors.

#3: “I’m on a few medications so I’ll be disqualified.” While you will be required to disclose what medications you are on and what conditions you have, most medications do NOT disqualify you from blood donation. If any conditions you have are managed and you are in good health, donations are usually allowed – and welcome!

#4: “It’s too risky to donate blood.” There is no risk of contracting any diseases as new. Sterile blood collection equipment is used for each donor. Most healthy adults can donate a pint of blood without health risks; reported reactions are not serious or life threatening, occurring in 0.7-1.2% of patients according to the National Institute of Health (NIH).

#5: “I don’t have a rare blood type, so my blood isn’t needed.”  If you have a common blood type – that actually means there is a higher demand for it – and you can save more lives! (and those with rare blood types are filling the gap for the less common donations received.)

To learn more about the blood donation process (and even enter a chance to win Super Bowl tickets by helping fill the need!), please visit

Thank you for considering this life-saving gift,


Resources Used: About National Blood Donor Month ; Critical Need For Blood Donors ; 8 Common Myths About Blood Donation Debunked ; Who Can You Help by Donating Blood? ; How Old Is Too Old to Give Blood? ; Groups release updated statistics on U.S. blood donation ; Incidence of adverse reaction in blood donation: a systematic review

Bobbi Decker

Broker Associate
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NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”

Bobbi Decker & Associates fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. For more information, please visit:

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