This Just In: Forbes has just published a new article titled ‘Understanding The Differences In Mobile App Use Across Generations.’ The findings specific to those aged 57 and older are not only interesting, but depict one more factor in overall well-being, connectivity, and convenience with age.
With virtually all generations using apps averaging 4 hours a day, the implications for marketers are clear. However, the purpose of mobile use varies among generations. Senior housing proprietors, medical groups, recreation centers and caregivers should all take note of what mobile apps seniors want and what they want them for. Here goes...
| Over 65% of Baby Boomers have a smartphone and 55% have a tablet
| Apps used by older adults generally help maintain a better quality of life and give information about healthy living, shopping & travel
| 40% of Baby Boomers use apps to make online purchases, yet only 32% use a mobile wallet
| Baby Boomers prefer apps with more text-based cues than icons
| Additional preferences include: larger text, less complex designs for easier navigation, strategic color contrast for clarity and detailed descriptions
The Bottom Line: The more that we understand how older adults use apps and with what purpose in mind, the more we can consider ways to support well-being. App developers in particular can play a major impact in creating desirable apps for health, lifestyle, senior living communities and even various hobbies and senior services.
What app do you think your parents or grandparents could benefit from?
All my best,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
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NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
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