“What we teach, nurture or neglect… will become part of our legacy.”
~ Beverly Beuermann-King
Did you know that August is ‘What will be your legacy month?’. FamilyTree.com explains that “It is always great to be remembered and known for any contributions you have made to make your home, your town or your society a better place.” The word legacy can evoke many feelings and actually feel like a great deal of pressure! You may compare the legacy you are leaving to what your own parents or relatives left you. Some people consider the biggest part of their legacy financial, while others define it by their core beliefs, or a foundation that funds passions or an accomplishment that took a lifetime to create.
We encourage you to keep in mind that your legacy does not have to be famous, published or well-known to be meaningful and valued. The difference you made helping others in your career, the volunteer work you did, the rescue dog you adopted, the student you mentored – these are all parts of your legacy that may have more value than you ever planned.
Other times your legacy is truly intentional. If your legacy takes the form of something physical that is to be passed down, or to funding that is supposed to carry a purpose in years to come – you may need the support of a trust and estate planner to ensure your wishes are carried out in the manner you desire.
As we ring in August – here are 3 ways to celebrate the legacy theme of this month.
#1: Write down the accomplishments of your relatives and ancestors. Give a nod to their own growth, accomplishments and values that they instilled in you. Appreciating the legacy given by others is a great first step!
#2: Think of what you want your legacy to be. Something tangible (such as an animal rescue center)? A value you demonstrated (such as a strong work ethic)? A collective action (the work you did at a food pantry or building a business)? Write it down!
#3: Don’t stop! If you are thrilled with what you have created, you can still choose to live with the same behaviors and values that got you there (assuming they made you fulfilled & happy – what a great cycle to perpetuate!) If you feel you have more you have left to give or do, write 3 actionable steps to make it happen.
Our own personal biggest take way is that your legacy does not start when your own chapter ends. The time we have now, the person we choose to be and the tangible and non-tangible ways we choose to give are the greatest gifts we give today. Don’t wait to share them.
Inspired by these articles from AllGen, Work Smart / Live Smart & FamilyTree.org
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
650.346.5352 cell
650.577.3127 efax
NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
Bobbi Decker & Associates fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. For more information, please visit: http://portal.hud.gov/