We all know that social work is a profession defined by the dedication to helping others improve their lives, perhaps those who help children and economically vulnerable populations come to mind first. Did you know that social workers can play a key role in helping older adults as they age, and that there is a field of social work focused on geriatric case management? This new-to-our-Senior-Spotlight topic may be new to you too – but we believe it may be invaluable to many of us and our families as we age.
Next Avenue recently published an article titled ‘Help All Around: Social Workers Play Crucial Role in Our Well-Being’ which summarizes how “the primary focus of social work is enhancing the psychosocial, emotional and behavioral well-being of individuals, families and groups.” The article provided a relatable example of how a social worker guided a woman with a broken hip as well as her daughter and medical team to manage multiple medical conditions and care options, ultimately leading to some tough decisions about quality of life and comfort care. While the outcome could not be changed, the adult daughter of the patient described the social worker’s support as validating, compassionate and supportive. This sounds like something we all need when walking the hardest roads in life.
Clinical social workers provide 60-70% of mental health services, and Next Avenue reports that many accept Medicare or other health insurance. There are nearly 140,000 geriatric social workers in the United States, and this field is ranked as one of the top 20 careers in terms of growth potential by the John A. Hartford Foundation.
The National Institute On Aging discusses geriatric care managers as licensed social workers (and sometimes nurses) who specialize in health care for older adults to identify needs, make a care plan, and find services in the community. A geriatric care manager may:
- Discuss difficult topics and complex issues
- Make home visits and suggest services
- Address emotional concerns and provide support
- Make short- and long-term plans
- Evaluate in-home care needs
- Coordinate medical services
- Refer to other care specialists
- Evaluate potential living arrangements
- Provide stress relief to caregivers
To find a geriatric care manager, you may call the Aging Life Care Association online or call 520-881-8008. You can also search the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) agency listing by county here.
While we wish we could offer a single professional to support all of your needs as you age, we hope knowledge about social workers and geriatric care managers is an added tool in your toolbox! Please consider advocating for a social worker if you find yourself struggling in a hospital or home care setting and be sure to talk to your insurance about the coverage of social workers in your mental and behavioral health benefits.
May we utilize the resources available to live longer & live better,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
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NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
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