It is with the saddest of hearts that I share that HoneyBun has passed away. Anyone who has ever been lucky enough to have their heart stolen by a pet will confirm what a huge emptiness this type of loss leaves. Whether you followed HoneyBun’s real estate endeavors on our blog, met her within our community or just heard us talk about her with joy, you know how much light this incredible little life brought into our days and nights.
As a true member of our family, HoneyBun was full of vitality, affection, and true “DIVA-attitude”. Going everywhere with us was her most favorite thing to do… where we were going was of no consequence, just being with us was. She had an outfit for every occasion (completely her idea of course! 😉) and was happy to wear and receive all the attention and smiles that accompanied them.
Needless to say, HoneyBun’s loving ways are deeply missed and honestly always will be. She was an extraordinary companion. How blessed we were to rescue her and have her in our lives for the past 9 years. We thank all of you who have commented on her posts and shared in her joy in so many ways. We invite you to watch her last two “Paws on the Pulse of Real Estate” videos… we hope these memories will bring a smile to your heart just as they did to ours.
Hug your fur babies for me,

Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
650.346.5352 cell
650.577.3127 efax
NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
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