When you think of classic, iconic & uncomplicated California architecture – you likely think of the ranch style home. Realtor.com® insists that that this housing type is as “…classically American… as baseball, blue jeans and barbecue.” Do you agree? Have you lived in a ranch home? Are you unsure exactly what defines one? Read on in our 5 things to know about ranch homes… we are pretty sure you will learn something new & fun!
#1: Ranch homes are also called ‘ramblers’. Realtor.com explains that they are “Like a ramblin’ man walking across the hot California desert, the word ‘rambler’ describes how these homes expand across the land.”
#2: Ranch homes originated in the 1920s and were originally based on Spanish colonial architecture used in the Southwest, according to SF Gate. California ramblers emerged in the 1930’s in San Diego and are credited to Cliff May, as an affordable, flexible floor plan filling the suburbs in a post-war era. Ranch style homes continued to be built through the 70’s.
#3: Defining features of ranch homes include single level homes built on concrete slabs with low pitched roofs and vaulted ceilings. They can be built in a L-shape, U-shape or rectangle shape with wide façade. An attached garage, open floor plan and large windows are also included.
#4: There is not one type of ranch home – but actually three! Read here for more on the California Rambler, Split-Level Rambler and Storybook Rambler. All 3 types are very desirable and iconic in many parts of Silicon Valley.
#5: Just last year, the Home Edit projected that the ranch home is slated to become ‘America’s most popular home style’ after building peaked in the 1940s-1970s. The single-story layout, low maintenance, flexible interior can be accommodated to reflect a modern, rustic, farmhouse or traditional style. The floor plan is ideal for work from home individuals, young families and retirees who want simple style and have no reason for stairs.
Have you ever owned a ranch-style home? Do you live in one today? Could you see yourself retiring in one? We’d love to hear as this comforting and universal architecture form reflects the past, present & future of California’s most desirable home types!
Resources Used:
What Is a Rambler House? How To Spot This Laid-Back Style of Architecture
What Is a Ranch Style House? And More Interesting Facts You Should Know
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Bobbi & Team
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate, Bobbi Decker & Associates
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