Age comes with many benefits (think of all that accrued wisdom!) but we all know that growing in years means growing in health challenges too. With those aged 65 and older being 2x more likely to be hospitalized compared to older adults, there are some things we want to share with you.
According to Jefferson Health geriatrician Dr. Nataliya Dementovych, “Hospital stays can be very stressful for many people, regardless of age, whether it’s about the fear and uncertainty about one’s health condition or the confusion and isolation of the hospital setting. But in old age, the stress of hospitalization can be even more damaging to mental health.”
In fact, the American Academy of Neurology reports that “cognitive decline more than doubles after a hospital stay for elderly patients.” Faster cognitive decline occurs with more severe illness, longer length of stays and older age (for example those in their 80s vs. 60s).
Reasons cited include: stress and isolation, a change in familiar setting and routines, decreased activity associated with worsening physical outcomes and a lack of independence while in the hospital (which can have marked psychological effects).
Industry experts assert that there are ways to prevent the cognitive decline and physical setbacks associated with hospital stays. First of all, consider that there are age friendly health systems (search here)that specialize in care for those aged 65 and older. Second, family and friends should provide physical and emotional support both during a loved one’s hospitalization and after. Ensure that mental and physical health needs are being addressed appropriately and advocate for comprehensive discharge plans and follow-ups.
AARP offers practical tips for making a hospital stay more comfortable, such as bringing your own pajamas, prepare yourself to deal with a roommate, see if favorite foods can be brought from outside, bring entertainment such as books and/movies, give yourself permission to say no (when it will not harm your care) and show those nurses ALL the gratitude.
While a hospital stay is far from a vacation, the experience can have minimized long term effects with the right support and an objective mindset.
Wishing you only health & happiness this fall and always...
Bobbi Decker
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