2022 is almost here! We are proud to say that 2021 brought our readers the most diverse content dedicated to the population aged 55+ that we have ever created. Beyond the topics of downsizing and senior living home & community features, we also debuted articles on: wheelchair accessible travel, the documented relationship between financial debt and physical pain, resources for solo agers, business planning for those aged 50+ and so much more!
You can always find all of our content HERE; below we have chosen the ‘Best of Senior Spotlights 2021’ in terms of which 5 blogs most defined the challenges & triumphs among older adults. As always, feel free to reach out if you have a topic you would love to see featured on our blog in the New Year or would love to be connected to a vetted member of our senior service network.
5 Policy-Guiding Goals For A National Caregiving Strategy
This is one of our newest and longest awaited topics… there is finally a national framework outlined to support our caregivers.
The Happiest Retirees Have These 3 Financial Traits…
They say money can’t buy happiness, but financial security is definitely part of the plan.
Downsize, Rightsize or Upsize?
A smaller home is not always the most ideal home for you in retirement; there are 3 popular options, and one just might surprise you!
Guess Who’s Most Optimistic About The Housing Market?
Do you know which generation exemplifies the housing glass half full?
3 Ways To Enjoy Retirement More
Retirement is supposed to be fun… right? But what if it’s not? Take these 3 steps and see if your life ends up with a little less stress and a lot more direction.
Thank you truly for all of your support in 2021. This year has not been without it’s challenges and we wish you much health & happiness in 2022.
All my best,
Bobbi Decker
Broker Associate
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NAR Instructor….“Designations Create Distinctions”
Bobbi Decker & Associates fully supports the principles of the Fair Housing Act and the Equal Opportunity Act. For more information, please visit: http://portal.hud.gov/